The Idea of Self-Improvement

The Idea of Self-Improvement

This year, you’re looking to become a better person. You want to be the best version of yourself that you can be. To do this, it’s not enough to read books or watch YouTube videos. You need actionable advice and tips to make real progress. That’s why we compiled this list of self improvement tips for now. We hope that these tips will help you become the best version of yourself.

Stop Being So Hard On Yourself

Stop Being So Hard On Yourself

You’re probably surrounded by friends or family who criticize you. They consume either directly, through the media, or simply because they are too hard on themselves. Try to be less hard on yourself as well. Think of self-criticism as a superpower that allows you to become better at everything else in your life aside from giving back unto others what is rightfully yours (i included). Do not waste all this time looking down on yourself or others. Be more attentive to things you do not like about how other people act, talk, dress etc, and try your best to change it.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Everyone Else

Stop Comparing Yourself to Everyone Else

Self improvement tips for now the self-help industry is good at saying that you’re stuck because there are too many people who look better than you (emotionally) speaking of this one guy convincing me that Angelina Jol ie was a perfect person that I could not because she happened to have the same nose as me or some shit. Shut them down! 

There are infinite ways of being better then another individual on this planet, even if they were way richer than you; there are 100s more rich people here in your country alone (no matter how poor), but no one can see it like billions of others across the globe, so, stop comparing!

Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses

This has been a major struggle in our own writing as we intuitively know what isn’t good for us as ‘types’. Strength helps you achieve your goals and people, whereas a weakness could be seen to hinder or hold you back. We need to look at both sides of the coin though. Otherwise it will only be surface-level analysis which doesn’t really bring out any useful insights.

Exercise Regularly 

Eat well, sleep enough and take time for yourself each day. We also need to be positive about our lives too. Dave Ramsey’s mantra of ‘paying off your debts first’ is a great way of doing this as he instills the message that you should focus on paying off your debt before moving onto other things in life; including entertainments such as going out with friends or having fun shoes!

Work Towards Long-Term Goals, Which Include Short-Term Goals Too.

Work Towards Long-Term Goals, Which Include Short-Term Goals Too

It’s always better not to look at the obstacles in front of you, but rather how it is they will be overcome (see ‘Establish Clear Goals…Keep them Public’ below). Looking at the bigger picture is also crucial. For example if we are striving for an income that could see us with a year or more of expenses then certainly building up your savings account takes precedence over having fun shoes!


One of the things that we love about blogging is that it allows us to share our knowledge with other people. We hope that you will find these tips useful and that they can help you in your life. If you have any suggestions for other topics, please let us know!